Your Very Best Life


I cannot believe it’s this time again!

In one week, we will move Madibelle into her apartment at SDSU to embark on her Sophomore-year adventure. Time seems to go faster & faster!

As we mamas & daddies are about to take our babies off to (or back to!)

college – I wanted to share the post I posted last summer after Madi had experienced a medical event requiring her to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. She was 18- which means, by law, they cannot release any information to us as parents. I had not thought about that element – and then quickly discovered how many parents found themselves in positions where their child was ill or injured and they were thousands of miles away – and the parents couldn’t get any information about the status of their child.

We still see them as our babies – the law, however, sees them as adults. If you do ONE thing before your child heads off to campus (or not, even if they are still living at home…, the same rules apply!), please take care of these forms.

This company, Mama Bear Legal Forms -has all three you need packaged together. Here is a link that will get

you an additional 20% off. 🩷 Trust me

– this is the LAST thing you want to worry about when they are far away! Click HERE


Here is the link to the ORIGINAL post if

you would like to read it…

again, if you have not done this yet… please consider this your sign! Click HERE to get it done! (legit will take you less than 10 mins from start to finish- including installing the app on your phone to have copies at your fingertips) *** 10 minutes does not include needing to get the forms signed by a notary. ***

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Unlocking Your Very Best Life with Riana Malia

Written by Heather Anderson In the intricate world of the subconscious mind, Riana Malia shines a guiding light. Founder of and an expert in

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