Your Very Best Life

Ok…SLEEP. It’s a thing.

It’s been something that I have struggled with for 30 years. Let me make a couple of distinctions. I can typically fall asleep….fast. I can almost ALWAYS enjoy a quick nap if afforded the luxury on the rare occasion that presents itself, I am 100% down.

For me, it’s the STAYING asleep and being able to wake up feeling RESTED that is my issue. I am still working on what I know to do (like a solid bedtime routine that DOES NOT include laying in my bed watching TikTok right before I close my eyes), but DOES include a fabulous bath and journaling.

One thing, however, that has made a HUGE difference in getting into that pre-sleep zone, sleeping longer and deeper throughout the night, and WAKING in a peaceful, joyous way is our HATCH.

I don’t know about you, but here’s how life is for me without good sleep. Day 1, fine – this isn’t my first rodeo- actually, it is predominantly the typical state for me most days.

On day 2, I can feel that I “wake up tired” (common scenario- I fall asleep at 10, wake up between 2:00-3:00, the brain goes into full-on spin-out mode, try a meditation or a sleep story, 4:00- turn on a light and write down all the things that apparently need to be solved at 4 am, try another sleep story, maybe throw in some theta-waves mixed with rain…glance at the

time…we are probably about 5:15ish now…eyes feel heavier…must fall asleep because I wake up to the 6:30 alarm- insert eye roll. Are you exhausted reading this? LOL.

On day 3, I am tired, I am not on my game, and quick to go from even to weepy in 3.5 flat, and would pay exorbitant amounts of money to lay down, anywhere, and close my eyes.

Now, imagine having a pre-designed bedtime routine, soft light that fades away, stories, meditations, and sounds, customized to be layered in any order and the perfect amount of time for each thing (or ocean waves all night like us!), and THEN….here is the really magical part…. You get to wake up to the sunrise of your choosing (Fiji anyone?), which slowly builds for 30 minutes prior to your “alarm” time…so, just as the dawn breaks and the sun slowly rises… same same, but also you can add sounds (birdsong is my fav).

For real….this will change your life, change your sleep quality, and, therefore, the lives of everyone who is blessed with your presence on the daily. Your spouse, partner, children, colleagues, dog, cat, horse—— they will thank you!

You, too can bliss out with your very own Hatch, grab one HERE

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Unlocking Your Very Best Life with Riana Malia

Written by Heather Anderson In the intricate world of the subconscious mind, Riana Malia shines a guiding light. Founder of and an expert in

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